Monday, September 22, 2014

harbor island

brad and I were able to get away back in august for our anniversary.  two months late is better than not at all huh?!  we went to harbor island outside of beaufort.  it was a great spot.  we had some bad weather but it was nice to unplug for a week!
at dockside for dinner.

walking around on the harbor after dinner

alex met us at dockside for dinner and took us out in his boat.  nice!

toes in the sand!

drinks at saltus

the beach was littered with hermit crabs.  this might be the biggest one I have ever seen.

while we were gone, we had some very willing grandparents that babysat!  mv loves her toes!

bb and pap came to our house for a few days.

and then nana and papa got her at their house for a few days.  when we came back, she has teeth!

playing with pap!

and papa!

dinner at old bull tavern

yummy drinks at obt

we stayed in Charleston on the way to harbor island.  got to see levi, eat at an old favorite (al di la), have jim n nicks for lunch and outlet shop!  I hurts me a little to eat at jim n nicks because technically it is a chain (and feels that way more and more each time we visit).  BUT it started in Birmingham and holds a special place in my heart.

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